that works!

B2B communication that works!

Adding value for our clients – efficiently, professionally and with a wealth of ideas

We are a PR and strategic corporate communication agency with a focus on technology and HR topics and an international reach. We work for the global market leaders of today – and for those that want to share that distinction tomorrow.


Our services range from conventional media work to all aspects of digital communication and cross-media storytelling. Employer communication and internal communication are further central tenets of what we do.

Management team

Quality, clarity and confidence are the hallmarks of the Maisberger management team. That, however, is only one side of the coin. We are keenly aware that we, too, must constantly reinvent ourselves if we want our methods, our content and ourselves to remain first choice for our clients. Which we do!

Dr. Alexander Pschera

Managing Partner

My professional credo is that new technologies spawn innovative communication formats. I am firmly convinced that corporate communication – both the internal and external variants – must change, reinvent itself and shed past skins as fast as the technologies it talks about.

Daniela Dlauhy

Account Director/Agency Head

Nothing is more constant than change – and communication is always the key to success. These two principles guide everything I do in my job. Each is valid in its own right. But only when you bring them together do they unfold their full impact. I see that happening day after day. It is my continuous source of motivation.

Klaus Daidrich

Account Director/Agency Head

Every day I am grateful that I chose to make the web my professional home. The new developments never end. Some are helpful, some “wow”, some just a flash in the pan. But every time I find myself instinctively thinking: How could we put that to good use for our clients?

Our team

Our team comprises specialists in PR, B2B communication, employer branding and digital communication (social media, content marketing and influencer marketing). We are an eclectic mix of old hands and youthful talent – everyone learns from everyone else.



to Brands2Life Global

We are an active member of the international Brands2Life Global network. Spanning a broad spread of owner-led communication agencies, the network works for brands that change the world. Brands2Life Global helps companies to plan and realize international communication campaigns.

Our Brand2Life Global Services include:

  • Strategic planning for international PR campaigns
  • Implementation of global digital campaigns
  • Reputation management and monitoring via online and offline media
  • International communication training and coaching
  • Global content creation
  • Global account management
  • Agency network management
  • Access to best-in-class agencies in EMEA, the Americas and APAC


While staying true to its Bavarian roots, Maisberger took a bold step on February 1, 2020, overcoming Germany’s very own north/south divide and opening a second office in the North Sea port city of Bremen! Beyond the cultural enrichment of learning an exotic (north German!) dialect and the joys of a more fish-heavy diet, one happy side-effect is better service to our clients in the top half of the country.

The best of two worlds

Building on the proven Maisberger mix of creativity, professionalism and passion, our north German customers now benefit from the valuable contact made possible by closer proximity. Starting now, combining coffee and conversation is no longer a problem!

A heart for B2B communication

The new office is the go-to agency for clients from the IT, manufacturing and service industries. Each of their varying needs is met with the same creative commitment: giving products their rightful share of the limelight, successfully carving out thought leadership for their brands, optimizing internal communication and employer branding… You name it: We do it!

A healthy blend

Our team follows the same principle as communication itself: It’s the right mix that matters. At Maisberger, seasoned natives of Munich rub shoulders with dyed-in-the-wool coastal dwellers. The latter could possibly conceive of a life without seagulls and dikes, but they wouldn’t see the point. Yet as different as we are, two things forge an inseparable bond between us: a commitment to top quality and a passion for what we do.

Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is not about patting each other on the back. For us, it is about making a difference in mitigating climate change. And we certainly play our part in sustainably reducing CO2 emissions.


Our agency has always keenly felt this responsibility. We are proud to have so far planted 43 trees that, together, offset 6.88 tons of CO2. The tree-nation community’s 300 or so existing corporate members have already planted over four million trees on three continents. We are thrilled to be part of this initiative and look forward to contributing a lot more trees in the future.

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