Humans are creatures of habit. Which is probably why we instinctively go on the defensive when change comes knocking. But since there is no progress without change, corporate change management necessarily takes time and courage.
Do you often choose the path of least resistance? We all do, even when it is obvious that the hard yards would get us more quickly to our goal. Things are no different at the workplace. Here too, decisions always mean change: smaller and greater change, pleasant and less pleasant change. New fields of responsibility emerge, old ones change hands. Positions become surplus to requirements or need to be reassigned.
Wayne Gretzky, Canadian ice hockey player
Irrespective of the strategy you choose, corporate management is always change management. The two are synonymous. That is as true in the context of globalizations and M&As as it is for product launches, cost-cutting drives and quality offensives. Big changes must sometimes happen at a stroke, while other changes are a protracted collection of small steps over a period of time. The managers concerned need to understand when change is needed and at what pace. For their part, employees have to buy into new values and breathe life into the process of change management.