The time is ripe for smart factories. Technologies such as machine learning, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are revectoring entire markets. Customer centricity, sustainability and batch sizes of one are at the heart of the transformation known as Industry 4.0/5.0.
Transformation is looming larger in manufacturing than in perhaps any other segment of industry. Automation, robotics and (of course) digitalization are rewriting the rules of the game. Build-to-order, configure-to-order and engineer-to-order strategies are showing the way forward. While mass production is a dying breed, customized production is emerging as a factor of competition.
Daniela Dlauhy, Agency Manager/Manufacturing Team Leader at Maisberger GmbH.
Join us in embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where the tiniest social, political and technological shifts can have a huge impact on your business: on the supply chain, with all its various players and partners; on production systems and the underlying processes; on your internal organization and change management; and on your economic situation. Learn about the advances currently being made with intelligent machines and software solutions in the robotics space.
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